Who wants to spend a fortune on a tux rental, new dress, babysitter, and a dry chicken dinner? Not us! ?Attend our No Show Gala by staying at home in your fuzzy slippers and pajamas. When you buy your ticket for our No Show Gala you are automatically entered to win one of our many fabulous prizes. The proceeds from this premier nonevent go towards our children's programs aimed at ending childhood hunger.
For a list of prizes and information on how to buy tickets go to the link below.⏬
The No Show Gala™ – SeaGate Food Bank Toledo Ohio
This “non-event” occurs on the last Saturday in April. The “raffle” solicits SeaGate Food Bank contributions via tickets for donated prizes with no need to get dressed up and go anywhere. This is a major fundraiser with a goal of $25,000.
See post on Facebook