
St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy is currently in first place in the 2…


St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy is currently in first place in the 2020 Pack a Pickup Challenge. Only 3 short days left to help your school win $500. At the end of the day on October 30th the school with the most donations in pounds ($1 = 4 pounds of food) will win $500!🥳 #packapickup

Image may contain: text that says '2020 Pack a a Pickup St. John' pounds Anthony Wayne 1,400 pounds St. Francis- 1,280 pounds Genoa pounds Start 800 pounds Central Catholic- 620 pounds Northview 484 pounds Northwood 300 pounds Clay- 300 pounds Whitmer- 200 pounds FremontRoss- 80 pounds Bowling Green- 40 pounds Woodward- pounds No Directed School- 1,880 pounds pounds of food Charlie's DODGE CHRYSLER. JEEP .RAM SeaGate Food Bank WTOL 11'Image may contain: text that says '2020 Pack a Pickup Packa Pickup is being held virtually this year and all schools are welcome to participate. Theschool who raises the most money during the 2020 football season will win $500!! Donating is easy text FOOD to 419 248 1100 or go Charlie's DODGE CHRYSLER RAM SeaGate Food Bank WTOL 11'
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